
Do you have any questions when cancelling, rescheduling or asking for a refund? You can count on GOL.

You can check below what you need to know to reschedule, cancel or require a ticket refund. In case you still have any questions, just contact us on one of our service channels.

To check more detailed information about each kind of rate and benefits included in them, click here.

Voluntary or involuntary change

It’s considered to be an original changed flight, flights which have their time changed (starting from 30 minutes on domestic flights or 1 hour on international flights) or cancelled performed unilaterally by GOL. (involuntary)

It’s considered to be an original not changed flight, flights which the passenger changes. (voluntary)

Cancellation and Refund Rules

Flights between 19/03/20 and 31/12/21

If your refund has been requested by 31.12.2021, please contact our Customer Service 0800 704 0465.

In order for us to proceed, please have your ticket details ready. They will be needed to confirm some information.

Documents and information required

  • Booking code 
  • CPF
  • ID
  • Address
  • Bank details of the person paying for the booking

Flights Rescheduling


Domestic and international flights rescheduling
Original changed flight (involuntary)
Original not changed flight (voluntary)

Domestic flights


Original flight changed (Change bigger than 30 minutes, according to ANAC Resolution 400)

Original not changed flight to fly from Mar-2020 to Dec 2021

Original not changed flight to fly from Jan-2022

Reschuling fee 

Free of charge 

Free of charge 


Tariff difference 
New travel will be to the same origin and destination

Free of charge 

(According to tariff rule, if any)

(According to tariff rule, if any)

New trip will not be to the same origin and destination

Not allowed

Allowed according to the tariff family
Tariff difference may occur

Allowed according to the tariff family
Tariff difference may occur 

Deadline for making the new travel

365 days from reservation creation date

365 days from reservation creation date

365 days from reservation creation date


International flights ASU | MCO | MIA | EZE | MVD | PUJ | SCL | VVI | LIM | COR | CUN | MDZ | PBM | ROS | UIO


Original flight changed (Change bigger than 1 hour, according to ANAC Resolution 400)

Original not changed flight to fly until 31-Dec-2021

Original not changed flight to fly from Jan-2022

Reschuling fee

Free of charge 

Free of charge 


Tariff difference 
New travel will be to the same origin and destination

Free of charge 

(According to tariff rule, if any)

(According to tariff rule, if any)

New trip will not be to the same origin and destination

Not allowed

Allowed according to the tariff family 
Tariff difference may occur

Allowed according to the tariff family 
Tariff difference may occur

Deadline for making the new travel

365 days from reservation creation date

365 days from reservation creation date

365 days from reservation creation date

Domestic flights 

Original flight changed (Change bigger than 30 minutes, according to ANAC Resolution 400)
Rescheduling fee 
Free of charge 
Tariff difference 
New travel will be to the same origin and destination
Free of charge 
New trip will not be to the same origin and destination
Not allowed
Deadline for the new travel 
365 days from reservation creation date
Original not changed flight to fly from Mar-2020 to Dec 2021
Rescheduling fee 
Free of charge 
Tariff difference 
New travel will be to the same origin and destination
(According to tariff rule, if any)
New travel will not be to the same origin and destination 
Allowed according to the tariff family
Tariff difference may occur
Deadline for the new travel 
365 days from reservation creation date
Original not changed flight to fly from Jan-2022
Rescheduling fee 
Tariff difference 
New travel will be to the same origin and destination 
(According to tariff rule, if any)
New travel will not be to the same origin and destination 
Allowed according to the tariff family
Tariff difference may occur
Deadline for the new travel 
365 days from reservation creation date


International flights ASU | MCO | MIA | EZE | MVD | PUJ | SCL | VVI | LIM | COR | CUN | MDZ | PBM | ROS | UIO

Original flight changed (Change bigger than 1 hour, according to ANAC Resolution 400)
Rescheduling fee 
Free of charge 
Tariff difference 
New travel will be to the same origin and destination
Free of charge 
New trip will not be to the same origin and destination
Not allowed
Deadline for making the new travel
365 days from reservation creation date
Original not changed flight to fly until 31-Dec-2021
Rescheduling fee 
Free of charge 
Tariff difference 
New travel will be to the same origin and destination
(According to tariff rule, if any)
New trip will not be to the same origin and destination
Allowed according to the tariff family
Tariff difference may occur
Deadline for making the new travel
365 days from reservation creation date
Original not changed flight to fly from Jan-2022
Rescheduling fee 
Tariff difference 
New travel will be to the same origin and destination
(According to tariff rule, if any)
New trip will not be to the same origin and destination
Allowed according to the tariff family
Tariff difference may occur
Deadline for making the new travel
365 days from reservation creation date

Flight Cancellation

Cancelamento, crédito e reembolso

Cancellation with credit request of the amount
Original changed flight (involuntary)
Original not changed flight (voluntary)

Domestic flights


Original flight changed (Change bigger than 30 minutes, according to ANAC Resolution 400)

Original not changed flight to fly from Mar-2020 to Dec 2021

Original not changed flight to fly from Jan-2022

Cancellation fee

Free of charge

Free of charge


Credit validity to use and fly

18 months from the request
Original flight from Mar-2020 to Dec-2021

18 months from the request

12 months from the purchase
12 months from the purchase 
Original flight from Jan-2022


GOL International Flights (All flights)


Original flight changed (Change bigger than 1 hour, according to ANAC Resolution 400)

Original not changed flight to fly from Mar-2020 to Dec 2021

Original not changed flight to fly from Jan-2022

GOL cancellation fee

Free of charge 

Free of charge 


Credit validity to use and fly

18 months from the request
Original flight from Mar-2020 to Dec-2021

18 months from the request

12 months from the purchase
12 months from the purchase 
Original flight from Jan-2022

Domestic flights 

Original flight changed (Change bigger than 30 minutes, according to ANAC Resolution 400)
Cancellation fee 
Free of charge 

Credit validity to use and fly
18 months from the request
Original flight from Mar-2020 to Dec-2021

Credit validity to use and fly
12 months from the purchase
Original flight from Jan-2022

Original not changed flight to fly from Mar-2020 to Dec 2021
Cancellation fee 
Free of charge 
Credit validity to use and fly
18 months from the request
Original not changed flight to fly from Jan-2022
Cancellation fee 
Credit validity to use and fly
12 months from the purchase


GOL International Flights (All flights)

Original flight changed (Change bigger than 1 hour, according to ANAC Resolution 400)
GOL cancellation fee
Free of charge 

Credit validity to use and fly
18 months from the request
Original flight from Mar-2020 to Dec-2021

Credit validity to use and fly
12 months from the purchase
Original flight from Jan-2022

Original not changed flight to fly from Mar-2020 to Dec 2021
GOL cancellation fee
Free of charge 
Credit validity to use and fly
18 months from the request
Original not changed flight to fly from Jan-2022
GOL cancellation fee
Credit validity to use and fly
12 months from the purchase

Cancelamento, crédito e reembolso

Cancellation with request for a refund of the amount
Original changed flight (involuntary)
Original not changed flight (voluntary)

Domestic and International GOL partners flights


Original changed flight 
(Regardless of the flight date) 

Original not changed flight to fly from Mar-2020 to Dec 2021

Original not changed flight to fly from Jan-2022

Cancellation fee

Free of charge 

Free of charge


Penalty and refund 

No penalty
Refund of the full ticket price

Penalty according to the tariff rule, if any.

Penalty according to the tariff rule, if any.

Deadline for the refund

12 months from the original flight date from Mar-2020 to Dec-2021

12 months  
From the date of the flight 

7 Days 
From the request 

7 days from the request
Original flight from Jan-2022

7 days from request*
*The payment method used to purchase the airline ticket must be observed. 

Domestic and International GOL partners flights

Original changed flight 
(Regardless of the flight date)
Cancellation fee 
Free of charge 

Penalty and refund 
No penalty 
Refund of the full ticket price

Deadline for refund 
12 months from the original flight date from Mar-2020 to Dec-2021

Deadline for refund 
7 days from the request
Original flight from Jan-2022

Original not changed flight to fly from Mar-2020 to Dec 2021
Cancellation fee 
Free of charge
Penalty and refund 
Penalty according to the tariff rule, if any.
Deadline for refund 
12 Months
From the date of the flight
Original not changed flight to fly from Jan-2022
Cancellation fee 
Penalty and refund 
Penalty according to the tariff rule, if any.
Deadline for refund 
7 Days
From the request

7 days from request*
*The payment method used to purchase the airline ticket must be observed.

Flight’s refund and GOL credit

If your refund has been converted into GOL Credit, check out the steps below to redeem it:

  • 1

    sua conta

    Visit the GOL website and log in to your account.

  • 2

    Crédito e Reembolso

    Click on the menu with the passenger’s name, and right after, on “Credit and Refund”.

  • 3

    Crédito GOL

    On the next screen it will be possible to check your GOL Credit balance.

  • 4

    trecho desejado

    Go through the purchase process normally, choosing the selected journey.

  • 5

    Ir para pagamento

    After selecting your flight, click on “go to payment”.

  • 6

    Crédito GOL

    When purchasing, select the option “GOL Credit”.

  • Cancellations

    Cancellation or delay due to the closing of borders

    If your flight has been delayed or canceled due to the closing of borders, the provision of assistance such as food, accommodation and transfer, facilities provided for in ANAC Resolution 400 will not be contemplated. In this case, GOL will help the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to locate and bring Brazilians abroad.

  • Save time

    Save yourself some time

    Our Customer Service Center (0300 115 2121) has a very long wait.

    We are prioritizing the service of Customers with flights scheduled for the next 72 hours, but rest assured, everyone will be attended to.

  • Anonymous purchase

    Anonymous purchase

    If you made your purchase through Anonymous Purchase (without login) and wish to cancel your ticket with a credit request, contact our Customer Service Center (0300 115 2121).

All rules adopted by the Company are in accordance with the provisions of the Conduct Adjustment Term (Termo de Ajustamento de Conduta – TAC) signed on 03/20/20, by the Ministry of Justice and Public Security (MJSP), Federal Public Ministry (MPF) and Public Ministry of the Federal District and Territories (MPDFT), with the Brazilian Association of Airlines (ABEAR).